Live-coding session of Robot Framework on Mac

Back in november, I hosted a talk at SoftShake. Like mentioned in my feedback post, I included some live-coding during the session. For the record, I’d like to share the set of tools I used to be comfortable doing this Robot Framework live-coding on my Mac.

1) Screen resolution: once plugged to the projector, the resolution available suddenly become very low. So it is important to rehearse the session using this low resolution, otherwise it will be very disturbing on the actual day. Choosing the largest display in Preference should get a resolution close to the projector if we don’t have access to one.


2) Window manager: I use Spectacle to quickly change windows arrangement setup. There are keyboard shortcuts to display windows on full, half or quarter of the screen. Once you get used to it, you can very quickly set 4 different windows in a couple of seconds on the screen.


3) Terminal  : I use iTerm2. In order to quickly get 4 small shell windows, I place them on the screen using Spectacle and save the window arrangement in iTerm2. Then I can associate a keyboard shortcut to this arrangement to get it very quickly during the presentation.

iterm2 restore windows arrangment


4) Text Editor. I use Textmate 2 (pre-built version here) with the Robot Framework Bundle. The bundle offers some keyboard shortcuts like *s⇥ which insert the *** settings *** header and nice color highlighting . There is no keyword completion though…



5) Live execution of the test. I wanted to obtain an effect similar to infinitest plugin with which each time a change is made on the source code, Infinitest runs the tests in the IDE. So I installed fswatch to run a script every time a directory content would be modified (i.e. every time my test would be updated) and created a small script that would be launch in such an event (script does clear + launch Robot).



So, I chosed to display 4 windows during the live-coding:
1) top-left: live-execution of Robot Framework
2) top-right: source code of the Test modified live
3) bottom-left: Software Under Test. Jenkins for this session (either file structure or the UI)
4) bottom-right: web browser with Robot Framework Library documentations to show the keywords I used in my code.



During the session, the test regularly went from green to red when I added a not-yet-created keyword or used a keyword in a library I forgot to import. So the idea was to save the file as often as possible to see the result change color at the same time.

An idea for a future session could be to do the full BDD-TDD test-code-refactor cycle:
– show a spec of dev to do
– write the failing functional test with Robot
– write the failing unit test in Java with any unit test framework
– write the minimal code to get the unit test green
– refactor the code and the test
– launch the functional test and update the code to make it green if it is still red

This could even be performed by 2 people: one QA and one dev… Will see if I ever try this!

Agile Grenoble 2013

Last week I went to Agile Grenoble Conference. The whole day was of very good quality. I was lucky with my choice of sessions and shared my day between good discussions and great talks.

My menu was:
Kanban by Romain Couturier
Testing and refactoring legacy code by Sandro Mancuso
 Functional Programming by Neil Ford
 TDD by Michael Borde
 Angular + Jersey by Laurent Leseigneur and Olivier Cuenot

All of them were very interesting but I was really bluffed by Sandro’s performance.
His slides can be seen here (with video at the very last slide):

That is really the kind of session I am looking for:
1) just a couple of main messages (“testing from shortest branch, refactoring from deepest one) during 5 minutes
2) live coding with some best practices, tips and personal opinions
And this was also very motivating to become more fluent with an IDE as part of the performance was the advanced usage of Eclipse, which for a Java developer is a real add-on.

Before the keynote of the afternoon, organizers found a great way to read the whole 12 principles of the Agile manifesto to the full audience of the conference. Strangely enough, I think it was the first time I heard the 12 principles read totally during the conference after 5 editions. The idea was that every person in the room had received a cup with 3 sentences from the manifesto. When our sentences were read, we got to sit. After the 12, a group of 10 people remained standing and they had to go on stage to read the sentence they had on their cup. Those were fake sentences like “company result is the primary measure of progress”. Very clever game!

This year I was a full visitor: I was neither organizing nor presenting. So thanks to all the contributors of this great day and I hope to give a help one way or another next year!